Finance and economics professional recently transitioning into Full Stack Web development via the University of Pennsylvania coding bootcamp. Background in managing high net worth client portfolios. Proficient in both front and back end web development while possessing excellent problem-solving and communication skills, adept at process improvement. Seeking a role that leverages web development skills to deliver innovative solutions and drive business growth.

Chris Dziedzic

Loot Ledger

A tool for members to leverage a popular item distribution method in World Of Warcraft. The tool uses graphQL and mongoDb to store and query data. The front end uses react and tailwind CSS. It provides realtime tracking for auctions and accounting. This project's repo is private but available upon request.

Developed a platform enabling users to swiftly generate and deploy polls. My primary contributions encompassed architecting the back-end infrastructure with SQL and sequelize, including model creation, API endpoint implementation, and session management.


Created a web application to organize and track all of the achievables in a video game. I was responsible for creating the react code in the front-end. I also assisted the team with creation of graphQL queries and mutations, and plugging in the API to the front-end.

Nebula Narratiives

Built a tool to create inspirational posters. I interfaced with a NASA API to acquire astronomy pictures. I also created the algorithm for scrolling forward and backwards through the images and quotes, and the HTML and CSS for the completed poster.

AI Golf Handicap Index Tracker

In progress: App to calculate a golf handicap index using Chatgpt assistants and Vercel AI SDK. Built on next.js and styled with tailwind, the ai gathers info from the user and uses the internet to search for the relevant course information and interacts with a postgres database to store and update user's recent rounds.

Weather Dashboard

Recent Projects

A web app to check the weather forecast and display a 5-day forecast. The application plugs in a free weather api for its data and uses bootstrap for responsive styling. The dates are formatted using day.js

Personal Calendar

Developed a website to be a daily planner. The user can create and save to-dos in specific time slots. The app uses Node.js on the back-end and writes the data to local storage.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer


Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you'd like to work together.

assorted-color abstract painting
assorted-color abstract painting